
Showing posts from June, 2015


"Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning."                                                                                                      - Thomas Edison  As we know, opportunities cannot be foreseen so it is wise to be prepared to open a door of opportunity that meets our expectations. Most people are guilty of sitting back and waiting for an opportunity to knock at their door, the above quote explains that things can either be planned or left to randomness. Opportunities don't just spring up without preparedness...   Abraham Lincoln once said " I will prepare and someday my chance will come" As humans, we live with the hope for a better tomorrow. As long as we live, we keep dreaming, expecting and hoping that things will work out well. We fail to understand that in wanting tomorrow to be better, we have to give our best today. Success doesn't come to you, you go for it, this happens when ' opportunity means pr


Some of us are so lost in the "Friend zone" that we don't even realize when that "friend" got something more than we imagine. There are a few basic ways in which we can tell whether or not that guy likes us. Don't quote me though, I believe there are several other ways but these are the few I have noticed over time. There are some unconscious things guys do when they feel differently about a lady, no matter how much they try to hide it you can tell when a guy is attracted to a woman... WHAT HE SAYS- You can tell from what a guy says whether or not he is into you but you cannot be 100 percent sure from this. Observe closely the way he talks to you and the kind of conversation you hold. The subject of his conversation may rate how he views you, does he TEASE you frequently? Playful teasing may hint that he wishes you to tease back. A guy almost never teases a girl he isn't interested in. Sometimes he goes as far as mimicking something about you.When a