The power of believing

Have you ever sat to think of oh! I prayed for this and it's happening? Growing up, knowing and loving Christ has taught me to believe then see his word come to pass in my life. We are in a world filled with so much doubt that more often than not people say "seeing is believing"

Have you ever wondered where the role of faith comes in? Being the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not yet seen. If we let our flesh dominate us, we will still want to be babies and let someone else carry us spiritually. But as a Christian you can pray the prayer of faith for yourself. Quit saying you can't, say that the ability of praying in faith belongs to you

Continually say what the word says about you, put your name in Mark 11:24, learn to pray the prayer of faith for yourself and receive answers to your prayers. God has given us the power through our tongue and his spoken word.

Are you looking for a change of job, a spouse, a new car, a house, that business contract? Stop doubting that God can and start believing that He will. Happy New month guys, see you at the top.


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