
Showing posts from October, 2017

7 things a strong woman will never tolerate in a relationship

Hi guys, please this applies to men too Ah the strong woman. She turns heads wherever she walks and doesn’t take shit from no one. You’ve met her, I’ve met and we all know how powerful of a character she can be. She’s more than happy to fly solo but if you are going to date her, then you need to be aware: Lie or be selfish and she’ll cut you off immediately. She knows what she deserves and she won’t settle for less. Here are 7 things a strong woman simply won’t tolerate: 1) Disrespect A strong woman values respect above anything else. She sees the value in everyone and always listens to what people have to say. She knows that everyone has something valuable to offer. So, when you disrespect someone else’s opinion, let alone her own, she simply won’t have it. It’s a sure fire sign that you’re a complete jerk. In fact, whenever a strong woman goes on first dates, she pays close attention to how the man treats the waiter. If he’s kind and respectful, she might just see...


Detoxification allows for the impurities that exist within the blood stream to be purged out of the body. When many people hear about this, they assume that you’ll have to starve yourself and do a lot of unholy things to get rid of the impurities. Here are a few benefits that come with detoxification of the body. Remove toxins from the body. Long-term exposure to toxins (environmental pollutants, cancer-causing chemicals, preservatives and pesticides) affects our metabolism, behavior, immune system and leads to disease. They are stored in tissues and cells throughout the body, including the brain, often for years. The best way to rid the system is to have a detoxification. Prevent chronic disease. Environmental toxins are responsible for many cancers, neurological diseases, heart disease, strokes.. and so on. Our bodies do have a built-in detox function to deal with these dangers, but those systems are constantly overloaded! Detoxing assists and improves what our bodies are...

No one is you and that is your power

You were born with your hands folded doesn't mean you should die with your brain folded. Poverty state of mind kills vision, so many of us are still in our comfort zones. We are like the little baby in comfort in the mother's womb during pregnancy and cries immediately being brought to the world. There is always a price to pay in every situation that requires growth. You can't sit and expect miracles to happen without putting those hands to work. Your idea is expensive, do not let it die inside of you. Your business is secured when the insurance policy is from the altar of God Until we are in Christ, we are lost, and until Christ is in us, we are limited. Let us put on our creativity cap, it's better late than never. Do not die with that greatness inside of you. The world awaits to see you shine, yes you! Have a great Sunday.  


Many of us grew up with the concept that eating anything sugary is  bad for your health, this misconception of course has changed as we have aged. We now know that excessive consumption of sugar is bad for your health (all of you that have a sweet tooth) Honey on the other hand has been regarded as a healthier form of sugar since it’s “natural” hence many choose to consume in excess thinking that no side effects come from the excessive consumption of the natural sweetener. Which has led to a debate of whether honey is healthier than sugar. To put my curiosity to bed, I decided to do a little research on it and my findings are what I now share with you THEY ARE BOTH UNHEALTHY There is a general misconception that honey is “healthier” than sugar. I beg to disagree. Although a spoonful of honey contains some minerals absent in table sugar and is actually sweeter than a spoonful of table sugar, it contains more calories and it can also lead to teeth decay, obesity a...


One common fruit that can be found in all parts of the country is an apple. Whether red or green in colour, apples are known for their sweet taste and that’s a good thing as apples are an exceptionally healthy fruit with many research-backed benefits. Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids and dietary fiber. The following are the health benefits gotten from consuming an apple: Due to the presence of fiber in apples, they help in lowering levels of LDL also known as bad cholesterol. Apples aids in reducing your risk of becoming obese. They also help in reducing your risk of diabetes. This wonderful fruit helps in boosting your memory and also reduces an individual’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s. The wealth of fiber an apple provides keep you full for longer without costing you lot of calories. Apples help in boosting your immune system. They also serve as cancer fighting agents. An apple won’t replace your toothbrush, but biting and chewing an a...

The power of believing

Have you ever sat to think of oh! I prayed for this and it's happening? Growing up, knowing and loving Christ has taught me to believe then see his word come to pass in my life. We are in a world filled with so much doubt that more often than not people say "seeing is believing" Have you ever wondered where the role of faith comes in? Being the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not yet seen. If we let our flesh dominate us, we will still want to be babies and let someone else carry us spiritually. But as a Christian you can pray the prayer of faith for yourself. Quit saying you can't, say that the ability of praying in faith belongs to you Continually say what the word says about you, put your name in Mark 11:24, learn to pray the prayer of faith for yourself and receive answers to your prayers. God has given us the power through our tongue and his spoken word. Are you looking for a change of job, a spouse, a new car, a house, that busi...