We live in the 21st century where love is now taken for granted. Hardly we find true love these days...what a shame! There exist mostly lust which leads to fling, crush which is puppy love and the likes of them. WELL, can we still find our true love come what may...I think so. A couple of friends told me sometime back that there exist just ONE TRUE LOVE in a lifetime...ummm I totally don't agree with this. We love over and again and there is a saying - learn to trust love just one more time...and that one time could mean over and again, because you keep trying. One of the most priceless gifts we could ever receive on earth is loving someone who loves us back...

Well, I think I would just deviate a little right now.  People think love is imprisonment, hell no it isn't. When you truly love someone, you don't try to make the person your perfect imagination. You love them truly for who they are and not for who you want them to be. To wait patiently for a person to become of different character is completely futile. You will waste your life hoping a lion makes you dance, WAKE UP! Free the lion to find the lioness, and go find yourself a musician.

Most times, LOVE matters, but it isn't all it takes to make a good relationship but I still believe it is the basis of the foundation into building a solid relationship. I won't use the word...perfect because that's CLICHE. Quite the contrary, love is for the strong, it takes courage and sacrifices that no weak human being can make. A good relationship should be built on the solid foundation of these TRIO- LOVE, TRUST and UNDERSTANDING.

These days, marriages fail because people no longer marry their friends. Your partner should be your best friend, your confidant and your better half. This should be someone you can live with at the same time cannot live without. By these I mean marry someone you can accommodate and tolerate their excesses and still love them completely and you will also miss them when they ain't there...

Although, the truth is life is that the more intimately you know someone, the more clearly you will see their flaws. This is why some marriages fail and some friendships don't last. You may think you love someone until you see the way they act under pressure, hungry or out of money. For goodness sake, love is something different. Love is choosing to serve someone and be with that person in spite of their filthy heart. Love is patience and kind, love is not boastful or resentful, love is deliberate. Love can sometimes be very hard, Love is pain and sacrifice. Love is seeing the darkness in another person and defying the impulse to jump ship.


Well, I am in a hurry right now to try "beat up" the usual Lagos traffic. We continue some other time. Till then, stay blessed.


  1. You are right..Love is all
    It is so beautiful that you will want to have the same person in your next earth life; IT IS THAT BEAUTIFUL

    I live to love and i love to live..., there is just no other way

  2. I love your work girl:))

  3. I love your work girl:))


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