How to keep a MAN...coming back...
As ladies, we all want our men for US and US alone without having to go to Funke, Yetunde, Agnes, Susan, Aisha, Ada and so on...YES! It is very possible to keep a man to yourself alone. This isn't taught anywhere or read in any book, but there are simple TACTICS to follow, I repeat simple rules which can serve as GUIDELINES.
The truth is that men are naturally POLYGAMOUS in nature but it is possible to have HIM to yourself, start with your man today. Basically, men are moved by what they see, unlike women, we are moved by what we hear.
Here are a few tips to keep your man to yourself;

As ladies, we all want our men for US and US alone without having to go to Funke, Yetunde, Agnes, Susan, Aisha, Ada and so on...YES! It is very possible to keep a man to yourself alone. This isn't taught anywhere or read in any book, but there are simple TACTICS to follow, I repeat simple rules which can serve as GUIDELINES.
The truth is that men are naturally POLYGAMOUS in nature but it is possible to have HIM to yourself, start with your man today. Basically, men are moved by what they see, unlike women, we are moved by what we hear.
Here are a few tips to keep your man to yourself;
- APPEARANCE - your dressing speaks a lot on your personality, it tells who you are, dress the way you wish to be addressed. Decency isn't bought, neither is it sold in the market or mall. Decency is in born, its inside of you. You cannot go to a formal occasion dressed for an "OWANBE" party...and u expect a reasonable man in his normal senses to approach you, NO WAY GIRL!
- MANNERS- most ladies these days in the 21st century lack manners, they talk to a man however they want to without words like please, sorry and thank you. Most relationships have been ruined due to lack of manners on the part of the woman. HEY! c'mon, I am a lady before you say I am beginning to take sides with the men.
- INDEPENDENCE- The truth here is most men want the opportunity to always provide for their women but a man would never put a LIABILITY at home except you intend to be enslaved for a lifetime. C'mon girl, go put your ass to work. By this I don't mean selling your body in exchange for money and materials things. Your beautiful hands wasn't made for fancy, there are a million and one ways you could put it to work. If EDUCATION isn't your calling, definitely HANDIWORK is but girl, education is KEY and a passport to any business.
- PRAYER- I am not trying to sound so religious here, but If as a lady in a serious relationship or marriage and you ain't praying then forget your man. PRAY! even if things are going smoothly and fine, PRAY! even when things go wrong. what we fail to understand is that our PRAYERS go a long way into MOLDING the kind of man we DESERVE.
- SEX- yes sex is very important in marriage even the bible recommends SEX for marriage...a good number of us would want to stone me in the face right now, but hehehe...TG I am faraway. One thing we fail to understand is SEX cannot keep a man in a relationship, even if you want do monkey style in bed, If you ain't the one, you ai'nt. He would only suck you like a piece of orange and dump your remnants..YES! I have to be blunt about this...WIVES! If you starve your husband of GOOD SEX, Suzzy will give it to him outside...GF'S..a few period of closing those legs won't kill you..
- APPRECIATION- Learn to appreciate your man, every little effort counts and should be acknowledged, let him know from time to time how much you appreciate having him in your life
- Knowing how to cook is very vital, the world is now a global village and if you didn't learn how to cook from your mother, then the internet can help you out. If you stave your husband from good food then you know what will happen next...WIVES learn to cook for your husbands and GF'S let him taste of your cooking at least once in a while.
- Never make yourself too available for any man, no matter what...LET HIM MISS YOU, it is in that, your WORTH would be measured....
- IMPERFECTION- nobody was created perfect by God, we all have our little shortcomings, learn to forgive and forget but never PLAY the fool while doing this...
- Men dislike nagging women, always call your man to order whenever you feel he has gone wrong, instead of nagging it all out...
How about all these and a man
still cheats? No, that's his loss...just be the BEST you can be and remember
MEN! You are not left
out, keep posted for yours next week...
Classic advice from the precious one herself!!! First to comment here! *dancing*
ReplyDeleteyou go gurl!
ReplyDeleteWell articulated
Keep it up!
Wise words here.