
Showing posts from 2017

A Long Walk

I took a long walk with a friend on Sunday. We were both encouraging each other, talking about our next moves, our heart desires etc. As we were speaking about life it dropped, two names or instances from the Bible; David and the disciples.  We spoke about them not chasing prosperity, fame or wealth instead it came to them. David was sought and anointed as King by Samuel and the disciples by Jesus. Why? What came as a reasonable answer at that moment was that they perfected their talents. David was a shepherd boy and was passionate about leading, defending, strategy and calm etc.  The disciples each of them had a trade they perfected. It then occurred to us that to attract more favour and our desired responsibilities we have to first perfect our talent. Perfect what we are good at and love it. Be passionate and do our best by becoming the best. Notable people like Einstein didn't set out to be one of the greatest physicist, he started by trying to solve a problem...


Weather and feelings work hand in hand, being afraid, ashamed of, or embarrassed by your feelings is like being afraid of the weather, because feelings (tears, panic attacks, angry outbursts, withdrawal, depression, elation, lust, romantic excitement, euphoria) are the weather conditions of the inner self. Certainly there are weather conditions that are fearsome, such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, exploding volcanoes and fierce fires, and we need to control these if we can, and protect ourselves from them. But, like the weather, most climate conditions are pretty mild.  My clients have found it very helpful to use the metaphors of weather to understand how natural and normal  all  feelings are. Here are my thoughts on how the weather affects our feelings, feel free to share your opinion Sunshine Y our smile lights up your face the way the sun lights our day. Smiles, too can come from behind clouds or after emotional storms. The smile...


Nigeria mourns the death of former vice president Dr Alex Ekwueme whose family confirmed suffered from chest infection Ekwueme suffered stroke two weeks ago and was stabilized in an Enugu hospital before a Federal Government Ambulance aircraft flew him to London He died in London at about 10pm on Sunday night, he turned 85 on October 21st. Nigeria mourns a patriarch...

What we miss when we are complaining

Joel Osteen once said "when we complain, we remain and when we praise, we will be raised". We should always learn to be grateful for the blessings we have and be thankful for expected blessings. A lot of us miss our blessings when we concentrate on complaining and worrying over the things we do not have yet or the blessings we are yet to see. A lady kept asking God when the promise of a life partner would come, in fact that became her national anthem whenever she prayed. She would say "God, my mates are married, why me?", this went on for years and her mates kept getting married but she remained single. She pondered for a long time if God was not listening to her. The day she decided to change her prayer point, her life changed forever, she is happily married today with grown up kids, in fact this was her testimony. If only we understand the concept of time and season, we would seize complaining and envying others and praise God for the capacity of blessings ...

Here are 10 ways to lower your blood pressure (naturally)

Have you been diagnosed with high blood pressure? According to recent statistics, about 77.9 million (1 out of every 3) adults have high blood pressure in the United States. If you’re one of those people, you might be concerned about using medication to bring it down. It’s important to remember that lifestyle plays a significant part in controlling your blood pressure. Here are 10 lifestyle changes you can make to lower your pressure and keep it down. 1) Watch your waistline According to research, blood pressure tends to increase as weight increases. Weight loss is seen as one of the most effective changes for controlling your blood pressure. According to national guidelines, for every 20 pounds you lose, you can drop systolic pressure 5-20 points. To put that in perspective, guidelines suggest that systolic numbers above 140 and diastolic numbers (the bottom number) above 90 are considered high. 2) Exercise regularly Don’t worry, you don’t have to run a marathon ...

Parents who raise “good” kids do these 5 things

What is the secret to raising good kids? It’s not an easy question to answer. You probably know a number of good parents that are able to raise all their kids in the same, strategic manner. So, how do they do it? Do they know some hidden techniques that you don’t? Well, actually, yes they do! There are a few rules that good parents make use of for raising their children. What are these rules? We have listed them out below: 1) Spend Quality Time With Them: This is perhaps the most important part of raising a child. Spend quality time with your kids, regularly, no matter how busy your schedule might be. Ask them questions about themselves, ask them about their perception of the world and how they see it, and always remember to actively listen to what they have to say. A study from the University of Warwick found that children who spend more time with their parents tend to perform better academically. This plays a key role in the personal development of any childre...

People who fart in front of their partners are more likely to have a lasting relationship

Some of you will be happily relieved to read this, while others, I suspect new couples may be cringing a bit. Turn that cringe into a smile because not only can you let that built up gas you’ve been holding in all night long free, it will also boost your intimacy with your partner (ironic, I know). So what’s the deal? In her book Naked Parenting, Leah Decesare goes on to discuss the topic and it’s benefits. 1. Sincerity and trust is formed by being 100% naturally you And by being 100% naturally you, this means farting as well. We all do it and by allowing your partner to hear a “ sneaky one” or a “toot” they’ll automatically feel special, as if you’ve let them in on a secret nobody else shares with you. 2. You’re giving others the green light to be themselves Most men are delighted once the relationship gets to this stage. It means they also, can feel free to be themselves and just let em’ rip. 3. Good relationships are built on honesty and trust This means free f...

Here are 7 signs you have a deep personality that most people can’t handle

Do you ever get the feeling that you see the world differently to others? Like you notice things that other people don’t? It’s not that you’re “weird”. It’s just that you see the world more “deeply” than others. After all, you’re curious, intelligent and complex, and in the age of technology and automated sensualized newsfeeds, these traits aren’t exactly common. Rather than fitting into the limited box society has created for you, you’ve decided to think for yourself and create your own path. While there are many benefits to this, it can also mean that most people find it hard to handle you. If you think this might be the case, you might identify with these 7 signs: 1) You say what you mean and mean what you say So many people are afraid to speak their mind because they don’t want to be criticized. They don’t want to be seen as “weird” for thinking differently than everyone else. But you’re not like this. You have to express what you’re feeling because it would be in...

7 things a strong woman will never tolerate in a relationship

Hi guys, please this applies to men too Ah the strong woman. She turns heads wherever she walks and doesn’t take shit from no one. You’ve met her, I’ve met and we all know how powerful of a character she can be. She’s more than happy to fly solo but if you are going to date her, then you need to be aware: Lie or be selfish and she’ll cut you off immediately. She knows what she deserves and she won’t settle for less. Here are 7 things a strong woman simply won’t tolerate: 1) Disrespect A strong woman values respect above anything else. She sees the value in everyone and always listens to what people have to say. She knows that everyone has something valuable to offer. So, when you disrespect someone else’s opinion, let alone her own, she simply won’t have it. It’s a sure fire sign that you’re a complete jerk. In fact, whenever a strong woman goes on first dates, she pays close attention to how the man treats the waiter. If he’s kind and respectful, she might just see...


Detoxification allows for the impurities that exist within the blood stream to be purged out of the body. When many people hear about this, they assume that you’ll have to starve yourself and do a lot of unholy things to get rid of the impurities. Here are a few benefits that come with detoxification of the body. Remove toxins from the body. Long-term exposure to toxins (environmental pollutants, cancer-causing chemicals, preservatives and pesticides) affects our metabolism, behavior, immune system and leads to disease. They are stored in tissues and cells throughout the body, including the brain, often for years. The best way to rid the system is to have a detoxification. Prevent chronic disease. Environmental toxins are responsible for many cancers, neurological diseases, heart disease, strokes.. and so on. Our bodies do have a built-in detox function to deal with these dangers, but those systems are constantly overloaded! Detoxing assists and improves what our bodies are...