Hi guys, here is the conclusion from our last episode on some facts we didn't know about cheating. Overtime, study has shown that men with deep voices are perceived as cheaters lol, personally, I crush on guys with deep voices. I once read in an Evolutionary psychology published journal that men with deep voices are most likely to cheat on their partners and women with high pitch voice are most likely to be unfaithful. This balls down to the hormones - the more testosterone a man has, the lower his voice and the more estrogen a woman has, the higher her voice is likely to be. Over the years cheating has been confusing. A lot of people don't really know what is termed as cheating. Even researchers and clinicians cant even pin-point the behavioral pattern that constitute infidelity, its not until a partner has sex with another outside his relationship or marriage that we term as cheating. I carried out a survey sometime ago among a group of married and singles, their answers am...